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Order Details

The order details page gives you the complete details of the selected order like Order summary, Buyer details, Order items details, Revenue, Est. net profit and its split-ups.

Steps to view the details of the order

  1. Hover over the Reports menu near over the menu.
  2. Select the Sales Orders option from the drop down.
  3. Select the order from the orders list by clicking on its Order ID.

Now the order details page for the selected orders will be displayed.

Details Page

Order Summary

Order summary gives you the basic details of the order like Purchased date, Status, Sales Channel, Fulfilment Channel and Payment Method.

Buyer Details

It gives you the basic details of the buyer who made the order. It includes Buyer pseudo email, City, State and Country where the order has been shipped.

Order Item Details


The details of the ordered products like name, category in the category tree, product attributes(colour, material, size, etc), SKU will be displayed here.

Shipped units

The total number of shipped units from the order is displayed here. For example, if shipped units count for the order is displayed as 1 of 1, then it is meaning that 1 unit is shipped to the buyer, from the total ordered units(which is also 1).


The revenue of the item in the order will be displayed here.

Est. Net Profit

The estimated net profit of the item in the order will be displayed here. You can get the complete details about the split ups of your estimated net profit, by clicking the info icon near Est. Net Profit.

Net Profit Split Up

Net profit split up gives you the details of the split ups of Charges, Cost and Est. Net Profit of the orders that have already been shipped. With the help of the split-up you can get the details of where you have spent more like Promotions and Amazon fees for any particular order.

Steps to view the Net Profit Split Up details

  1. Hover over the Reports menu near the Products & Categories menu.
  2. Select the Sales Orders option from the drop down.
  3. Select the desired shipped order from the orders list table by clicking on its Order ID.
  4. Click the split-up icon given near the Est. Net Profit value of each item
    Click the split-up icon given near the Total Est. Net Profit in the bottom

Net Profit Split Up

Now the net profit split up details for the item or order is displayed in a pop up


If the order has refund, then the net profit split up for refund is also included in the pop up.


It includes the Price and Tax of the selected item for both shipment and refund.

1. Price

It is the charge collected from the buyer for the item. It may include Principal (Item Price), Gift Wrap charge and Shipping charge of the item.

2. Tax

It is the tax charge collected from the buyer for the item. It may include Principal Tax, Gift wrap Tax and Shipping Tax.

Charges Split Up


It is the amount spent by the seller for the item. It may include Promotions, Tax, Amazon fees and Cost of Goods Sold for both shipment and refunds.

1. Promotions

It is the promotion cost that you have spent on this sales. Cost Promotions

2. Tax

It is the amount that have been paid to government by Amazon as a facilitator. It may include tax for Principal, Shipping and Gift wrap. Cost Tax

3. Amazon fees

It includes the total fees charged by amazon to the seller for both shipment and refund. The list of possible fees may be,

  • FBAPerOrderFulfillmentFee
  • FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee
  • FBAWeightBasedFee
  • Commission
  • FixedClosingFee
  • GiftwrapChargeback
  • ShippingChargeback
  • VariableClosingFee
  • RefundCommission

Cost Amazon fees


It is the total cost of the SKU. Click here to learn more about COGS.

Revenue (item price)

It is the selling pricing of the item multiplied by quantity.

i.e: Revenue = Quantity x Item Price

Revenue (item price)

Est. Net Profit

It is the estimated net profit by reducing the Cost like Amazon fees, COGS, and promotions from the Revenue of the item.

i.e: Cost = Amazon fees + Promotions + COGS + Expenses

For Shipment:

Estimated net profit = Revenue - Cost

For Refund:

Estimated net profit = Revenue + Cost

Total Est. Net Profit

It is the total estimated net profit of all the items in an order. Simply, estimated net profit of the order.

i.e: Total Est. Net Profit = Est. Net Profit for Shipment + Est. Net Profit for Refund


Est. Net Profit for Shipment    = $21.32

Est. Net Profit for Refund = -$28.35

= $21.32 - $28.35

= -$7.03

Total Estimated NetProfit