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Managing your shipments of the products to the warehouses is going to be hassle free. This feature helps you to keep a track on all the entered shipments to make your work easier.

Shipments Overview

NameName of the shipment
Tracking IDThe tracking id for the concerned shipment
Shipped OnThe date on which the shipment was made
Reached OnThe date on which the shipment reached the destination
Est. Reach OnEstimation date on which the shipment would reach
Source WarehouseThe shipment’s source warehouse
ModeMode of shipment being Airways,Waterways or Roadways
Destination WarehouseThe Shipment's destination
Shipment ForThe “To” on whose against the concerned shipment is made
Status Progress in the status of the Shipments

Create Shipments

Towards the right side of the page we have the option to Create Shipment. Please follow the below mentioned steps to create a shipment

  1. Click on Create shipment
  2. Enter the required details like Name, mode, Shipped on and estimated reach on.
  3. Select for whom the Shipment is made. Either Warehouses or Others
  4. Enter the details about the source and Destination warehouses
  5. Enter the tracking ID and Carrier details and click on Submit to create the Shipment with the entered details

You can also import the shipment details with the help of csv files. Please follow the format of the sample csv file provided for your reference.

Create Shipments


As you click on the Filter option towards the extreme right of the page, you can see the Filter panel opens up with the available options. You can either select a saved filter and apply it to your search or you can create a new filter by entering the details like name of the shipment, tracking ID, Source warehouse, Destination warehouse, mode and Status.Clicking on save will save the created filter.
