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Products Overview

Products page gives you the details of all the products that are listed for your selected marketplaces.


All the products basic details are displayed in the table below.

Column NameDescriptionExample
NameThe name of the productKwick Store Birds Blanket
Linked to categoryIndicates whether the product is linked to any category in the category treePossible values would be Yes and No.
SKUA merchant-defined unique ID of a productKSOPCRS3
ASINAmazon defined unique ID of a productKSBBLBS2
StatusThe status of the of a productPossible values would be Incomplete, Active, Inactive.
COGSCost of Goods Sold$10
COGS Updated AtDate and Time of the COGS Updated20 Jan 2021 07:18 pm


Clicking on the Filters option from the top right corner will display a panel with the Search bar where user can search a product by entering its SKU. Below you further have filter options to narrow down your search results. Checking on the concerned filter will enable it in your search result.


This displays the list of all your products that are currently in stock.


While creating products in amazon, if any among the mentioned fields have been left empty, then the product is shown as incomplete.


This displayed the list of all your products that are currently out of stock.